
Group Counseling

Group Counseling

Adult Mental Health

At In Community Counseling, our adult mental health therapy groups offer a supportive and collaborative environment for individuals to explore a variety of topics related to their emotional well-being and personal growth. Led by experienced clinicians, our therapy groups provide a safe space for participants to share experiences, gain insights, and develop practical skills to navigate life’s challenges.

Some of the topics covered in our adult mental health therapy groups include:

Coping with Stress and Anxiety:

Learn effective strategies to manage stressors and reduce anxiety symptoms, including mindfulness techniques and stress-reduction exercises.

Building Resilience:

Explore ways to enhance resilience and bounce back from adversity, fostering a greater sense of inner strength and empowerment.

Managing Depression:

Receive support and guidance in coping with symptoms of depression, exploring strategies for self-care, mood regulation, and building a support network.

Assertiveness and Communication Skills:

Develop assertiveness skills and improve communication in relationships, empowering participants to express their needs and boundaries effectively.

Self-Esteem and Self-Compassion:

Cultivate self-esteem and self-compassion through exercises and discussions focused on recognizing and challenging negative self-talk and fostering self-acceptance.

Boundaries and Healthy Relationships:

Explore the importance of setting boundaries in relationships and learn strategies for establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries with others.

Goal Setting and Personal Growth:

Set and work towards personal goals, exploring strategies for self-improvement, motivation, and achieving greater fulfillment in life.

Our therapy groups provide a supportive community where participants can connect with others who share similar experiences and challenges, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support. Whether you’re seeking practical skills, emotional support, or simply a space to connect with others, our adult mental health therapy groups offer valuable resources for personal growth and healing.

Teen Mental Health

Our teen mental health therapy groups provide a safe and supportive space for adolescents to explore a range of topics relevant to their emotional well-being and personal development. Led by skilled clinicians experienced in working with young people, our therapy groups offer a unique opportunity for teens to connect with peers, share experiences, and learn valuable skills for navigating the challenges of adolescence.

Some of the topics covered in our teen mental health therapy groups include:

Coping with Stress and Anxiety:

Explore effective strategies for managing stressors commonly experienced by teens, such as academic pressure, social expectations, and family dynamics.

Building Healthy Relationships:

Learn about the importance of communication, boundaries, and mutual respect in fostering positive relationships with peers, family members, and romantic partners.

Self-Esteem and Body Image:

Address common issues related to self-esteem, body image, and identity, and explore ways to cultivate self-acceptance and confidence.

Social Skills and Peer Pressure:

Develop assertiveness skills and learn how to navigate peer pressure, conflict resolution, and social situations with confidence and integrity.

Emotional Regulation:

Learn techniques for recognizing and managing difficult emotions, such as anger, sadness, and frustration, in healthy and constructive ways.

Mindfulness and Relaxation:

Practice mindfulness exercises and relaxation techniques to promote self-awareness, stress reduction, and overall emotional well-being.

Bullying and Cyberbullying:

Discuss the impact of bullying and cyberbullying on mental health and explore strategies for coping with and preventing bullying behaviors.

Substance Use and Addiction:

Gain knowledge about the risks associated with substance use and addiction, and learn strategies for making healthy choices and seeking support when needed.

Peer Support and Connection:

Connect with peers who may be facing similar challenges and experiences, fostering a sense of belonging, understanding, and mutual support.

Goal Setting and Future Planning:

Explore personal goals, aspirations, and interests, and develop strategies for setting and working towards future goals and dreams.

Our teen mental health therapy groups offer a welcoming and inclusive environment where teens can express themselves, learn from others, and receive support and guidance from experienced clinicians. Whether facing academic pressures, social challenges, or mental health concerns, our therapy groups provide valuable resources and a sense of community for adolescents navigating the ups and downs of youth.

Coping for Kids

Our coping for kids groups offer a supportive and engaging space for children to explore various topics and develop essential coping skills to navigate life’s challenges. Led by experienced therapists with expertise in child psychology, our groups provide a fun and interactive environment where children can learn and grow.

Some of the topics covered in our coping for kids groups include:

Identifying and Expressing Emotions:

Help children recognize and express their emotions in healthy and constructive ways, fostering emotional awareness and resilience.

Coping with Stressful Situations:

Teach children practical strategies for managing stress and anxiety, such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness activities, and positive self-talk.

Building Self-Esteem and Confidence:

Engage children in activities and discussions aimed at promoting self-esteem, self-confidence, and a positive self-image.

Friendship Skills and Social Interaction:

Provide opportunities for children to practice social skills, including making friends, communicating effectively, and resolving conflicts peacefully.

Problem-Solving and Decision Making:

Empower children to identify problems, brainstorm solutions, and make informed decisions, promoting independence and critical thinking skills.

Dealing with Change and Transitions:

Support children in navigating life transitions, such as moving to a new school, coping with divorce, or adjusting to changes in family dynamics.

Managing Anger and Frustration:

Teach children constructive ways to manage anger and frustration, including recognizing triggers, using calming techniques, and seeking help when needed.

Building Resilience and Perseverance:

Encourage children to develop resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges, setbacks, and disappointments.

Assertiveness and Boundaries:

Help children establish healthy boundaries, assert their needs and preferences, and advocate for themselves in various situations.

Practicing Gratitude and Positivity:

Foster a sense of gratitude and positivity in children through activities such as gratitude journals, acts of kindness, and positive affirmations.

Our coping for kids groups offer a supportive and nurturing environment where children can learn valuable life skills, build friendships, and gain confidence in themselves. Through age-appropriate activities, games, and discussions, our therapists empower children to thrive and succeed in both their personal and academic lives.

Specialty Groups

Dual Diagnosis

Our Dual Diagnosis group provides a supportive and understanding space for individuals facing the unique challenges of co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. Led by experienced clinicians specializing in dual diagnosis treatment, our group offers a holistic approach to recovery, addressing both the complexities of mental health conditions and the impact of substance use. Through education, skill-building exercises, and peer support, participants learn practical strategies for managing symptoms, reducing substance use, and improving overall well-being. With a focus on empowerment and accountability, our Dual Diagnosis group fosters a sense of hope and resilience as individuals navigate the journey towards recovery and lasting wellness.


Our Grief Group provides a compassionate and nurturing environment for individuals navigating the profound emotions and challenges associated with loss. Led by skilled therapists experienced in grief counseling, our group offers a safe space for sharing experiences, processing emotions, and finding support among peers who understand the journey of grief. Through guided discussions, expressive arts activities, and supportive exercises, participants receive validation for their feelings and learn coping strategies to navigate the grieving process. Whether coping with the loss of a loved one, a pet, or another significant life change, our Grief Group offers solace, understanding, and healing as individuals journey towards acceptance and renewal.


Our Trauma Group provides a supportive and empowering space for individuals healing from the impact of trauma. Led by experienced therapists specializing in trauma-informed care, our group offers a safe environment for participants to explore their experiences, build resilience, and reclaim their sense of agency. Through psychoeducation, mindfulness practices, and evidence-based interventions such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) participants learn practical tools to manage symptoms, regulate emotions, and cultivate a greater sense of safety and empowerment. Whether coping with past abuse, combat trauma, or other traumatic experiences, our Trauma Group offers validation, understanding, and a pathway towards healing and transformation.

Art Therapy

Our Art Therapy Groups offer a creative and expressive outlet for individuals seeking to explore and process difficult emotions, experiences, and topics that may be challenging to verbalize. Led by certified art therapists, our groups provide a supportive and nonjudgmental space where participants can engage in various art modalities to express themselves authentically. Through painting, drawing, collage, and other art forms, participants are encouraged to tap into their inner creativity and use imagery as a means of communication and self-expression. Art therapy allows individuals to bypass the limitations of language and access deeper layers of the subconscious, facilitating healing, insight, and personal growth. Whether grappling with trauma, grief, anxiety, or other emotional challenges, our Art Therapy Groups offer a unique pathway towards healing and self-discovery, fostering empowerment and resilience through the transformative power of art.

We offer a complimentary consultation.


Get in

If you're here, you likely need to be, and you're in the right spot. So don't stop now! Reach out to us and ask us your questions.
You've got nothing to lose except that which is holding you back and causing you discomfort.
Let's talk!

    We provide services for adults, adolescents, and couples. We offer comprehensive counseling and psychological services to people of all ages and backgrounds.

    IN COMMUNITY COUNSELING has over 15 years of experience volunteering and working primarily with adults and adolescents who are dealing with alcohol, drug addiction and other disorders, including heroin, “meth,” prescription pills, alcoholism, mental health disorders and process addictions.


    In Community Counseling
    5236 Commercial Way Suite B, Spring Hill, FL 34606